TREC Tributes - Nelson Mandel 1918 - 2014


Whilst he has not lived to see the equality he strove to achieve, South Africa is a much different place to when Nelson first walked from prison in 1990. A great leader has gone. 

Whilst paying homage, many other leaders (local, national and international) should reflect on what made this man great. It is admirable to hear individuals paying their respects to this icon, all recognising this freedom fighter, prisoner, and president had been rightly acclaimed as the father of the new South Africa. If just a fraction of his principles could be mirrored, what an improvement there would be around the world. 

Genuine tributes are being paid to this remarkable man who gave his life for the creation of a society where equality of outcomes is embedded in the civic, political and economic fabric of South Africa. Whilst we recognise this man as a ‘hero of all time’, there is a lot still to be done in South Africa. 

Whilst political advances can be rolled back, Mr Mandela’s personal strength and vigour in addressing that which he knew to be wrong cannot be denied and we should all learn that lesson. 


The Race Equality Centre